Act for Kids Academy is essential for the corporate sector, in reaching a wide range of people who can become child safety champions at work and within their communities.

Providing workers access to Act for Kids Academy’s program shows a commitment to community development and creating safe spaces for children.

Choosing Act for Kids Academy to provide this training, is placing your employees in good hands. We communicate issues on child safety in a flexible way via an essential program to reduce risk, and therefore liabilities within your business.

At Act for Kids Academy we are committed to supporting you to make workplaces and communities child safe. As part of our service, we can help you to promote safety for young people across your workplace culture, interactions, policies, procedures and environments.

Everyone who completes the course will be given a Certificate of Completion.

Get in touch by contacting:
Tom McIntyre – National Education Director
(p)0429 863 995

Keeping kids safe is everyone’s responsibility.